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Welcome to the WEVY User Guide!

(Currently, WEVY is in beta version, and accounts are issued only to contracted users.)
This user guide contains all the documentation related to every feature of the WEVY application.


WEVY is a service that allows you to structure your frontend using components and configure your backend using BaaS (DB QUERY, HTTP REQUEST, SERVERLESS FUNCTION). Developers can carry out their work without needing separate frontend or backend resources.

The basic structure of WEVY is as follows:

Wevy Architecture

Front-end Editor

This is a tool for creating your frontend interface. It allows you to build your screen based on components, combine various components to structure your screen, and link component events with BaaS. You can also assign permissions at the level of the application, page, and component.

Front-end Editor

Front-end Viewer

This is the application screen where the page developed through the editor actually operates. This is the screen your application users will see.

Front-end Viewer

BaaS (Backend As A Service)

BaaS (Backend As A Service) performs backend logic on your behalf. You can construct various backend logics using DB Query, Http Request, Serverless Function, etc.